Help - Contact Us

The Contact Us page provides details of the various ways in which you can contact the Administration Team. If you have any queries regarding any of the information held on this website then you should use this page.

If you click on the Contact Us button, you will be presented with a form. Please complete all the fields on the form and select the query type from the drop-down list. Provide as much information as you can in the Comments and Questions section and click the submit button. Typically, you will receive a response to your query within five working days.

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us for any further information, please use the Contact Us button below:

Alternatively you can write to us at:
  • Demonstration Scheme
  • Capita Employee Solutions
  • PO Box 555
  • Stead House
  • Darlington
  • DL1 9YT
  • United Kingdom

Or telephone us on: 0114 2737331

Or fax us on: 0114 2750998

When contacting us, please quote your full name, date of birth, address, National Insurance number or unique Pension Reference Number as well as the name of the scheme.

Our aim is to deliver the highest possible standards of service to our customers. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service that you have received from the Scheme and you would like more information on the complaint process, please click here.